Pindad and Petrodrill Forge Strategic Alliance: A Milestone in Oil, Gas, and Infrastructure Partners

Mou pindad
Sumber :
  • Istimewa

Siap –In a groundbreaking move, the Chief Executives of PT Pindad and PT Petrodrill, Abraham Mose and Djoni Handoyo, inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Thursday, January 18, 2024, at the PT Pindad Boardroom in Bandung

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Witnessed by PT Petrodrill's Director Kastur, Commissioner Rhaema Rachmat, and Osmond Saputera Jaya, along with PT Pindad's GM of Infrastructure Muchsin Anwar and Corporate Secretary Dianing Puji Rahayu, this MoU is set to redefine collaboration.

This MoU is the culmination of prior discussions between PT Pindad and PT Petrodrill.

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The agreement encompasses a wide spectrum, including fabrication, repair & machining services, leasing, maintenance, joint development, post-sale services, and other collaborations as per mutual needs.

Expressing gratitude, Abraham Mose emphasized that the signing is a follow-up to their earlier meeting, stating, "It's an honor for us to collaborate with Petrodrill. 

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Our past discussions opened avenues for Pindad to venture into new markets. We hope this partnership benefits both parties and contributes to our exploration in the oil and gas sector."

Djoni Handoyo, PT Petrodrill's CEO, conveyed his aspirations for Pindad's self-sufficiency not only in defense but also in the oil and gas sector. 

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